Mining, blockchain and cryptocurrencies

Mining soft with settings examples

Supports algorithms: Ethash, Ubqhash, ProgPOW, Etchash
Performance (overclocked):

Rx 580: 30-32 Mh/s
Rx 570: 29-32 Mh/s
Rx vega: 43-45 Mh/s

Nvidia 1080 TI: 32-55 Mh/s

Latest version 6.2c:
Fee: 0.65%
Supports algorithms: BeamHashIII, Equihash-96-5, Equihash-125-4, Equihash-144-5, Equihash-150-5, Equihash-192-7, Equihash-210-9, Ethash, KAWPOW
Performance (overclocked):
GTX 1050 Ti 4GB: 7.4 Sol/s
GTX 1060 3GB: 13.2 Sol/s
GTX 1070 Ti 8GB: 26.5 Sol/s
GTX 1080 8GB: 27.6 Sol/s
GTX 1080 Ti 11GB: 37.6 Sol/s
RTX 2070 8GB: 30.6 Sol/s
RTX 2080 Ti 11GB: 58.3 Sol/s
GT 710 2GB: 1 Sol/s
GTX 1050 2GB: 18.5 Sol/s
Version 1.8z3 (latest):
Fee: 2%
Supports algorithms: Ethash, Etchash, Ubqhash, KAWPOW, octopus, autolykos2, RandomX, Verushash, Verthash, FiroPoW, octopus
Performance (overclocked):

Rx 580: 29-31 Mh/s
Rx 570: 28-31 Mh/s
Rx vega: 42-44 Mh/s

Nvidia 1080 TI: 31-54 Mh/s

Fee: 1%
Supports algorithms: 0x10, argon2d_16000, argon2d_dynamic, argon2id_chukwa, argon2id_chukwa2, autolykos2, Blake2b, Blake2s, blake3_alephium, circcash, cryptonight_ccx, cryptonight_gpu, cryptonight_talleo, cryptonight_turtle, cryptonight_upx, cryptonight_xhv, dynamo, Etchash, Ethash, FiroPoW, frkhash, heavyhash, k12, kaspa, KAWPOW, Keccak, lyra2v2_webchain, progpow_epic, progpow_sero, progpow_veil, progpow_veriblock, progpow_zano, sha3d
Version 0.9.8 (latest):
Fee: 0.85%
Supports algorithms: RandomX, KAWPOW, RandomARQ, RandomWOW, RandomXL, Cryptonight R, Cryptonight GPU, Cryptonight Heavy, Cryptonight HeavyX, Cryptonight Lite V7, CryptoNight Reverse Waltz, Cryptonight V8, CryptoNight Zelerius, CryptoNightTurtle, AstroBWT
Performance (overclocked):

AMD Eng Sample: -  101803.97

AMD EPYC 7742 64-Core - 98527.99

AMD EPYC 7H12 64-Core - 95400.73

AMD EPYC 7702 64-Core - 93554.12

AMD EPYC 7K62 48-Core - 85965.30

Version 6.22.2 (latest):
Fee: 1%
Supports algorithms: Cortex, Cuckoo29, Equihash-125-4, Equihash-192-7, Equihash-144-5, Equihash-210-9, Ethash, KAWPOW, Etchash
Performance (overclocked):



GTX 1070 Ti - 24-28 Mh/s
GTX 1080 - 29-36 Mh/s
GTX 1080 Ti - 39-49 Mh/s
RTX 2070 - 35-41 Mh/s
RTX 2080 - 35-43 Mh/s


Version 3.44 (latest):
Fee: 2%
Supports algorithms: BeamHashIII, Equihash-144-5, Equihash-192-7, Equihash-210-9, ZelHash, Cuckatoo31, Cuckatoo32, cuckaroo29m, Cuckarood29, Etchash, Ethash, Cuckaroo30CTXC, Cuckoo29, autolykos2, Cuckaroo30CTXC
Performance (overclocked):
HD 7950: 8 sol/s
R9 280: 8-10 sol/s
RX 560: 6.0 sol/s
RX 570: 11.0 sol/s
RX 580: 12.0 sol/s
Vega 56: 19.5 sol/s
Vega 64: 21 sol/s
GTX 1060 3G: 10 sol/s
GTX 1060 6G: 12 sol/s
GTX 1070: 16 sol/s
RTX 2060 20 sol/s
Version 1.93 (latest):
Fee: 1%